Protecting Our Natural Treasures

From: Congressman Reichert
Received At: December 02, 2017 at 05:11AM
Protecting Our Natural Treasures

Congressman Dave Reichert

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Dear Friend,

As we enter into the final month of the year and one of the most joyous holiday seasons, many are focused on their to-do lists. During this time, we must not forget to take a moment to slow down from the shopping, the holiday parties, and the chaos of this season to appreciate our loved ones and thank those who work overtime to make this holiday season the most wonderful time of the year for all of us. I am so grateful for the first responders and service members who give up spending the holidays with family to protect us at home and abroad, giving us the opportunity to celebrate this time.

Keeping Our Natural Treasures Safe

On Thursday, I joined with several of my colleagues to send a letter to Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell urging them to prevent consideration of any proposal that would allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

As a life-long resident of the Pacific Northwest, I have a great appreciation for and interest in protecting our nation’s wilderness, including the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. For many years, the Refuge has been the target of new oil drilling opportunities. This threatens the home of countless animal and plant species that depend on this unique environment to survive. For these reasons, we should continue fighting for the protection of this land. Protecting these natural gems for future generations to use and enjoy has and always will be one of my top priorities.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1960 in northern Alaska under President Eisenhower. A public land order was signed, establishing this 8.9 million acre Refuge. The area overflows with flora and fauna in a pristine, untouched landscape where varieties of wildlife thrive in the Alaskan wilderness.

Earlier this year, I also sent a letter urging the House Budget Committee not to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling in the budget resolution.

Providing Health Care for Our Law Enforcement

This week, I was proud to see the Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act of 2017, which I am an original cosponsor of, pass the House with bipartisan support. This bill will help agencies create and improve mental health services for law enforcement officers.

Having served in law enforcement for 33 years and as co-chair of the Law Enforcement Caucus, I am dedicated to ensuring that our law enforcement is taken care of and given the resources they need to do their jobs and maintain their health. I know first-hand the importance of providing critical mental health and wellness services for our first responders. Our nation’s law enforcement face significant trauma on a regular basis as they dedicate their lives to keeping our communities safe. We have seen how these services help our military members, and now it is time that we provide the same help for those who serve us here at home. This bill will bring much needed health care to those who put their lives on the line each day for our safety.

Supporting Our Nation’s Local Law Enforcement and Keeping Our Communities Safe

Last week, I was pleased to see that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced $98 million in grants would be awarded to 179 law enforcement agencies across the country through the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program. I have consistently championed and fought to protect this program both from elimination and from being caught up by federal immigration priorities.

I know firsthand how important community policing is to reducing crime, improving quality of life, keeping officers safe, and maintaining relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve. These community oriented policing grants are essential to bridging the ever widening gap between police officers and their communities. This is why I have fought to fund this program and keep it focused on supporting the cops on the street and not on local immigration politics.  Grant standards based on federal immigration policies ultimately punish cops by withholding federal grant money in an effort to force local governments to change immigration policies.

Another important program that I have long been a champion of – Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) – was recently announced as the centerpiece of the Department of Justice’s initiative to combat violent crime. The new focus on PSN is already being put into practice here in Washington state as King County just announced they have been awarded $500,000 in federal PSN grant funds to improve law enforcement’s ability to connect bullet ballistics to a specific firearm or crime. This is a great start and I am excited to continue the fight to combat violent crime using time-proven and data-driven programs such as Project Safe Neighborhoods.    

Working Together

I had the pleasure of meeting with Secretary Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal, Mexico’s Secretary of Economy, to discuss the important friendship and economic relationship we have with Mexico. As Chairman of the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee, I am committed to strengthening this partnership, creating new opportunities for U.S. exports, and expanding the trade ties between our countries. As we work with the administration to update NAFTA, I am grateful for the opportunity to represent Washington State and America’s interests with our neighbors.

Keeping the Internet Open for All

At the center of a debate across the country is Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai’s announcement on Title II Internet regulations. Throughout my time in Congress, I have consistently supported the principle of net neutrality. To me this principle means Washingtonians and their families are free to make their own decisions when using the Internet, not having their choices limited by the slowing down, degradation, or blocking of online content by outside groups. As the FCC moves forward it is my hope that any action taken will preserve these protections for online consumers and keep the Internet open, free from interference, and make sure it stays a source of innovation and job creation.

Ensuring Safety in the Workplace

Another topic that has frequented the news over the past few weeks has been the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace.

I do not condone harassment of any kind and welcome the actions taken in recent weeks by Speaker Ryan and the House Committee on Administration. In fact, prior to Speaker Ryan’s announcement calling for sexual harassment training and related hearings in the committee, I had directed all of my staff to take the sexual harassment course provided by the House that serves to educate employees on how to recognize workplace harassment and how to safely report it. I cosponsored H.Res.630 that the House passed this week, which requires all House Members, staff, and interns to complete harassment prevention and response training. This is an important issue and I am glad Congress is taking action.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend and I look forward to speaking with you next time!




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